Share of Ear · August 9, 2023

Audio Dial — Weekly Insights 8.9.2023 Share of Ear

By edison

This post is from Edison’s Weekly Insights email. Please click here if you would like to subscribe.

“Share of Ear,” the unique study of the full audio space from Edison Research, shows us what portion of all audio time is spent with different platforms. The graph below shows our most recent quarterly update. 

Note that this analysis looks at all audio usage in all locations, among all Americans age 13 and older.  The data is derived from a detailed one-day diary administered either online or via mail placement after a phone survey.  The data has been continuously updated since 2014. 


How to read: Americans age 13+ spend 10% of their total daily audio time listening to podcasts 

These are the changes since our first quarter update:  

  • AM/FM Radio (which combines over-the-air with listening to radio stations via their streams) is down one point 
  • Owned music (listening to CDs, vinyl, owned digital files, etc.) dropped two points 
  • Podcasts gained one point to another new all-time high of 10% of all listening 
  • Audiobooks gained one point 

Other changes are accounted for by rounding. 

When we complete our next two quarters of Share of Ear, we will have completed ten full years of measurement.  Audio has changed dramatically over the last ten years, and we have captured the changes along the way.  In 2014 when we started, just over half of Americans had a smartphone.  Today well over 90% do.  When we began, far more people had ‘radio sets’ in their homes or at their workplaces and of course no one had even heard of a smart speaker.  Stay tuned for more on ten years of Share of Ear® in early 2024. 



Podcast Movement 2023 is only two weeks away and we hope to see you there! Catch Edison Research Senior Director of Research Gabriel Soto’s keynote address on Tuesday morning and then attend Shattered Ceilings: A Truth and Dare Session with Podcasting’s Inspiring women later in the day, featuring Edison Research VP Megan Lazovick. There’s still time to register here.

Edison Research is a dynamic public opinion and market research company that works with some of the biggest names in audio, podcasting, radio, and media. We are looking for a Marketing Manager to join our staff.

We are seeking someone with a passion for marketing to help highlight Edison’s work. The qualified candidate will assist in the strategy, development, and execution of marketing for the Edison Research brand, its research and products. If this sounds like you or someone you know, please read more here. 

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