The Infinite Dial has been tracking social media usage since 2006, and has tracked the shifting usage of various platforms from MySpace to WhatsApp over the past 10 studies. The 2015 Infinite Dial study will be premiering next Wednesday, March 4th, with a whole new section of updated social media statistics, but we thought we’d give you a preview of one particularly fast-moving segment of social users: the 12-24 demographic.
The graph above shows various social media platforms in the order of their usage by Americans 12+ (for the exact numbers, you’ll have to register!), but the usages listed are for 12-24-year-olds. A few things are readily apparent:
Facebook is by no means “dead” with young Americans (we will review their frequency of usage next Wednesday)
Mobile social networks are now a majority activity with this age group
12-24s (and especially teens) are sharing mobile images–and, thus, experiences.
These and other insights about media, technology, mobile, podcasting and more will be unveiled next Wednesday, when Edison Research and Triton Digital present the 2015 Infinite Dial webinar. You’ll want to be there.
A total of 2002 persons were interviewed to explore Americans’ use of digital platforms and new media. From January 6 to February 9, 2015, telephone interviews were conducted with respondents age 12 and older who were selected via Random Digit Dial (RDD) sampling. The study includes a total of 900 cell phone interviews. Interviews were conducted in English or Spanish as appropriate.