


Nearly Three in Ten Teens Find Radio Commercials Always or Usually Informative

When asked how informative commercials they hear on the radio are, 29% of 12-17s said they find radio commercials to be “always” or “usually” informative. This compares to 21% of those age 18+ who “always” or “usually” find radio commercials to be informative. Want to know more? Check out the Edison Media Research/Arbitron Spot Load […]

Tom Webster

Nearly Three in Ten 12-17 Year-Olds Would Give up TV over Video Games

When asked if they had to choose between never watching TV again and never playing video games again, 28% of 12-17 year olds said they would rather give up TV than video games. This compares to 7% of persons 18+ who would eliminate TV from their lives to keep video games. Want to know more? […]

Tom Webster

Do Jocks Matter?

For anybody who grew up in radio, “Do jocks matter?” should be a rhetorical question. But there’s nothing like seeing Cousin Brucie and numerous others replaced by jockless radio stations, as we have in recent weeks, to bring that question back to the fore. This week’s Ross on Radio asks why so many programmers should […]

Tom Webster

Fewer Find Radio “Frequently Too Dirty/Explicit” than Network TV

Only 8% of those age 12+ say they “frequently” find today’s radio shows to be “too dirty and explicit” for their tastes, compared to 16% who “frequently” find today’s network television programs “too dirty and explicit.” Want to know more? Check out the 2005 Arbitron/Edison Internet and Multimedia Study for information on Satellite Radio, iPods, […]

Tom Webster

Jack, Bob and “25-54itis” – Plus Your Thoughts on WCBS-FM

Perhaps the hottest topic in radio programming today is the burgeoning “Adult Hits” format, as exemplified by the high-profile switches of stations to “Jack,” “Bob,” and other similar formats. In a study of Arbitron data looking at stations with at least two full books in the format, Edison Media Research and Arbitron create a baseline […]

Tom Webster

Goodbye, WCBS-FM, Hello JACK.

WCBS-FM New York, which switched to Jack FM on June 3, was a 33-year Oldies format icon. But it was also a format maverick–different for many years from the 250-song, heavily focused music machines that the Oldies format had become. In this week’s Ross on Radio, Edison Media Research VP of music and programming Sean […]

Tom Webster

Not Dead Yet! The Online Rebirth of WCBS-FM

What has been lost amongst the brouhaha of WCBS-FM’s departure is the fact that it didn’t really leave…exactly. What kind of audience can Infinity expect for the new, online-only WCBSFM.com? And what can listeners expect when they get there? Edison VP Tom Webster has an early look.

Tom Webster

One in Five Stern Listeners Likely to Subscribe to Sirius for Stern

Twenty-two percent of those who listen to Howard Stern on the radio say they are either “very” or “somewhat” likely to subscribe to Sirius Satellite Radio specifically because Howard Stern will be available on the service. Want to know more? Check out the 2005 Arbitron/Edison Internet and Multimedia Study for information on Satellite Radio, iPods, […]

Tom Webster


Going all-Christmas has been a consistent ratings booster for Adult Contemporary radio. For more than five years, listeners have shown an appetite for Christmas music that doesn’t diminish from year to year. But how good a job is radio doing during the holiday season?

Tom Webster

A Modest Proposal to Reduce Illegal File Sharing

Illegally downloading music files that you could and should have purchased legally is clearly wrong. Illegally downloading music that you simply couldn’t find anywhere else (either due to obscurity or simply being out of print) is currently also wrong, but it strikes Edison VP Tom Webster as a different kind of evil…one with a potentially simple cure.

Tom Webster

Radio Sawa

In the Summer of 2001, the Broadcasting Board of Governors – the body that oversees all U.S. government-sponsored international broadcasting – began to flesh out an idea that would reshape the government’s goals and strategy for reaching out to the Arabic World through the media. The goal of providing news reports to the region through […]

Tom Webster

Where the Presidential Election Stands Today and Why This Election is So Hard to Predict

As the Republican Convention begins the recent national polls have shown that George Bush has erased John Kerry’s post-Democratic Convention lead. While conventional wisdom shifts from “this is Kerry’s race to lose” to “Boy, has Kerry already blown it,” is there really any way to predict how this election will turn out? We are headed for political territory with which there is no past experience, and there are several factors that political observers should keep in mind as they watch the polls for the next 64 days from now until Election Day.

Tom Webster