



A new study by Edison Media Research shows sharp declines in Time Spent Listening (TSL), Persons Using Radio (PUR) and most importantly attitudes about radio among the 12-to-24-age group, the listeners who represent both terrestrial radio’s future and its greatest challenge. “Six years ago, we presented ‘Radio’s Future: Today’s 12-24 Year Olds,’” noted Edison President […]

Tom Webster

Pew Research Center Interview With Joe Lenski On Exit Polls

Andrew Kohut, President of Pew Research Center, interviews Joe Lenski on exit polls and the upcoming election. From pewresearch.org, September 28, 2006

Tom Webster

The Podcast Consumer Revealed: An Exclusive Early Look at the Growing Podcast Audience

This study, taken from the recently released Arbitron/Edison Media Research Internet and Multimedia 2006 survey, is the first detailed, publicly available data on the 11% of the country who have listened to a podcast (by any name). Edison first presented this data at the Corporate Podcast Summit in San Francisco on June 21st, 2006, and […]

Tom Webster

Keeping Track of Jack, Bob and Pals

A Switch To Adult Hits Still Means Bigger Audiences For Most Stations In Radio’s Newest Format, According To the Latest Arbitron And Edison Media Research Study Nearly three years after the debut of Adult Hits, most radio stations that have adopted radio’s newest format are still showing audience gains over what their previous programming delivered, […]

Tom Webster

Summer anthems heating up airwaves

Sean Ross comments to the Myrtle Beach Sun News about what is going to be the hot summer song of 2006.

Tom Webster

‘Hips’ a mover & a shaker

Sean Ross talks to the New York Daily News about popularity of Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie.”

Tom Webster

A Positive Plan for HD Radio: A Branded Audio Entertainment Strategy

Any quick look at the surfeit of blogs commenting on radio reveals endless carping about HD Radio — with no end of critics who are saying it will never work for any number of reasons. Radio needs positive ideas for creating content that will compel consumers to want to put an HD Radio in their car, home, or office. And of course, it has to create such content at little or no cost. Here is one strategy to marry HD Radio with the most powerful consumer brands to create a new vision for what HD can become.

Tom Webster

The Next Ten Years: Radio’s Biggest Challenge

Radio continues to take it on the chin with advertisers and Wall Street, but finding the root cause of Radio’s doldrums is like peeling
an onion. Some point to Radio’s tremendous installed user base and reach and contend that the problem is simply a PR issue. Others observe that Radio is losing the technology battle, and is being eclipsed by new media platforms such as satellite and Internet radio. Or is it consolidation? Content? Global Warming? While all of these are important, they are but symptoms of a larger disease.

Tom Webster

Once Technology Shy, Country Consumers are Catching Up

Country listeners, who have historically been less digitally-minded than their counterparts in other formats, have shown a lot more interest in new technology over the last year, according to America’s largest-ever study of country P1 listeners, conducted by Country Radio Broadcasters and Edison Media Research. The results suggest that country radio needs to become aggressive in its new media strategy for 2006.

Tom Webster

News/Talk on FM: An Overnight Success That Took 15 Years

Bonneville’s decision to move WTOP Washington, D.C., to the current 103.5 home of WGMS on January 4 took the industry by surprise. So much so in fact that you would have thought that WTOP hadn’t been simulcasting its News format on FM for many years. Or that D.C. hadn’t had two commercial N/Ts for a while. Or that Bonneville hadn’t done the same thing in Salt Lake City a few months ago, simulcasting N/T powerhouse KSL on former Hot AC KQMB. If the format flips of each January are any indication of the hot format, News and Talk on FM aren’t just becoming less remarkable, but the format du jour.

Tom Webster

The Azerbaijan Parliamentary Exit Poll

Click here to read an article by Joe Lenski and Warren Mitofsky —
Adventure In Baku: Exit-Polling Azerbaijan

Click here for Azerbaijan Exit Poll Results

Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International were hired by Renaissance Associates to conduct exit polling for the Azerbaijan Parliamentary Elections on November 6, 2005. The exit polls were conducted in all 125 election districts and results have been made available to the media soon after the polls closed that evening.

Tom Webster

The Rise of Consumer Generated Media, and Why it Matters to Your Station

Disregarding, or worse yet belittling the efforts of people who take the time to write about your station (for good or evil) is missing a golden opportunity to build a relationship with a segment of your audience that you can’t get to any other way. You could also be damaging your search engine rankings in the process.

Tom Webster