The holiday season is often a mixed bag of fun and stress, with festive gatherings, decorations and finding the “perfect gift.” However, with the highs come the lows, including those dreaded trips to crowded stores with lists and coupons in search of the best deal. Today, mobile technology is changing that. For busy, smartphone […]
Moms communicate…a lot. They talk, they text, they post and most importantly they share. Marketers and advertisers bank on this to get their message or product out to the masses and when it’s done well, it works. How do they do it well? They create an experience that encourages interaction and leaves an impression so […]
Facebook. The majority of Americans are on it, as shown in our Edison Research/Arbitron Social Habit 2011 study. And as social networking continues to take hold across all demos, the popular site faces new challenges and questions about privacy and the use of images for advertising purposes. I recently came across an Advertising Age article […]
Going to the movies is something that just about everyone does. Whether it is the go-to plan on a rainy afternoon, or the spontaneous event while on a trip to the mall, movies will always draw us in. According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 67% of the U.S./Canada population age 2 and […]
Did you ever get that feeling that you were being watched? I think we all have at one time or another, but it’s usually after you’ve watched a suspenseful movie or when you are walking alone and feeling “unsettled.” Most of us wouldn’t get that sensation at a grocery store, but depending on where you […]
Last week, the Outdoor Advertising Association in the UK began a campaign with the intent of showing the relevance of billboard advertising. However, their choice of slogan, “Career Women Make Bad Mothers“, proved to be too controversial and had to be removed. Not surprisingly, the outcry from working mothers was intense and the negative publicity […]
A recent article in USA Today posed a very interesting question: Could pop culture behavior be an indicator of what was to come in the stock market? Seems a little farfetched, but there are definitely some trends to consider when you look at the patterns for music, movies and TV preferences right before a downturn […] recently reported that the 18-24 demo is losing its lust for Facebook, or at least not using the site as much as they had in the past. Recent data from comScore shows a consistent 3 month decline among 18-24s, who may perceive Facebook as losing its “cool,” now that everyone (including your grandmother) is […]
You’ve heard the saying (and maybe even read the book) “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.” Undisputedly, the two genders process, act and most importantly react differently in just about every situation. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that new research released by Targetcast reports that men and women use media differently. […]
Earlier this week, the FTC put forth new revisions to its guidelines concerning endorsements and testimonials in advertising. In addition to altering how far advertisers can go to make claims about a product’s effectiveness, the FTC rules now include restrictions on bloggers that will require them to disclose when there is a “material connection” to […]
I blogged a few weeks ago about the idea of additional content being added to digital albums and how the record labels were working on a deal with Apple to make it happen. Well, if you have a Blackberry you don’t have to wait any more. In a collaborative effort with the band U2, Research […]
Even with a tough economy, teenagers continue doing what they’ve always done–hang out at the mall. For advertisers, the mall is the place to be to reach those all important teens and tweens. According to recent data released by Scarborough Research and Arbitron, 62% of teens reported that they visit the mall at least as […]