


Election Resources

Communicator Magazine lists Edison Media Research’s web site as a resource for the 2004 Elections.


‘Alter Boys’

Sean Ross provides an explanation for the success of the band Alter Bridge.


“Extras have minuses”

Sean Ross, Edison VP of Music and Programming, shares his opinion on the merits of re-releasing an album with extra tracks.


“How Stern’s move could reset the dial”

Edison’s Sean Ross provides insight into the impact Howard Stern’s move to satellite radio will have on New York’s terrestrial market.


Election Nightmare Scenarios for 2004, Part Four

The fourth and final installment of this series of articles details the procedural issues dealing with the vote counting process in many states that may leave the final outcome of the Presidential election undetermined on Election Night. Absentee voting, provisional ballots, late-arriving overseas and military ballots and just plain miscounting of votes could leave the winner of the presidential race undetermined for days or weeks.


“Will Stern turn satellite radio into a star?”

Sean Ross discusses Howard Stern’s appeal and the kind of programming that will make satellite radio successful.


Shock jock to move to satellite radio

Sean Ross, VP of Music and Programming at Edison Media Research, talks about the potential for satellite radio’s success.


The Velvet Vox

Sean Ross talks about Lou Rawls’ lasting influence and success.


Why Callout Hits No Longer Have Legs

Callout research used to be typified by those songs that hung in with the audience long after labels wished they would just go away and make room for the next single. But these days, a lot of songs are starting at the top and making their way to the bottom, with very few songs showing the sort of longevity that once marked a real hit.


Election Nightmare Scenarios for 2004, Part Three

The third of four articles on Election Nightmare Scenarios details how the electoral process might respond to the true nightmare possibilities of a terrorist attack before Election Day or the death of one of the presidential candidates. There are many unresolved procedural issues in either case which could lead to another litigated election in 2004.


Can satellites spur renaissance of radio?

Edison’s Sean Ross explains how new technologies are impacting radio.


Minnesota polls show Kerry leading, then Bush. Who’s right?

Edison Executive Vice President Joe Lenski explains to the Associated Press how poll results can differ.
