


Clear Channel in tune with format changes, competition: Sean Ross comments in the Tampa Bay Business Journal

Sean Ross talks to the Tampa Bay Business Journal about Clear Channel Communications’ quick format change of WTBT-FM Thunder 103.5.


The Care And Feeding Of Variety: Building A 1,000 Song Library

After years of being encouraged to keep it tight, the success of Jack/Bob-type formats means that PDs are suddenly looking to build 1,000 song libraries of their own, or at least add some depth to their existing playlist. And already some decisions that made sense in some very particular market situations are now being institutionalized around the country—regardless of whether they make sense in other markets. If you’re designing a library from scratch, or if you’re just adding “throwback” or “legends” cuts to a successful station, read this week’s Ross On Radio: The Care And Feeding Of Variety: Building A 1,000 Song Library.


Consumers Say Fewer Commercials Lead to More Radio Listening

Yahoo! notes Arbitron and Edison’s study on the radio commercial breaks and listenership.


Can commercial radio withstand satellite radio’s challenge? Larry Rosin weighs in.

Larry Rosin talks to the Orlando Sentinel about commercial radio’s appeal to advertisers.


If you don’t know Jack, ask Sean Ross: Thoughts on KRQI’s format switch

Sean Ross explains KRQI’s recent switch to Jack-FM to the Seattle Post-Intelligence.


Money drives the shift in FM’s broadcast mix: Sean Ross on Philadelphia’s loss of a modern rock station

Sean Ross talks to the Philadelphia Inquirer about the recent loss of FM modern rock stations.


TiVo transforms TV gossip; Arbitron/Edison study shows DVR’s impact

The Detroit News notes Arbitron and Edison’s findings on the impact of DVRs in its discussion of how TiVo has changed talk around the water cooler.


Edison survey shows Country music enthusiasm on the rise

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review highlights the findings from Edison Media Research’s study of over 11,000 Country music fans for the Country Radio Seminar.


How radio can capture younger listeners who download music off the Internet

The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area, as featured on MSNBC.com, examines how radio can compete with new technologies, using data from Arbitron and Edison Media Research in its analysis.


LA Times: Edison/Mitofsky data shows Bush made inroads among Jewish voters

The LA Times reports the findings of a study that uses Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International’s exit poll data to conclude that Bush fared better among voters who attend religious services more often.


Will deal with AOL push XM ahead in race against Sirius?

Sean Ross analyzes XM’s new deal with AOL and its implications for satellite radio competitor Sirius.


Hurban heats up radio: Sean Ross on the growing trend

Sean Ross assesses the potential expansion of hurban radio.
