


Marketplace Edison Research Poll

Marketplace – Edison Research Poll 2019

American Public Media’s Marketplace® has partnered with Edison Research to conduct an ongoing research series around Americans’ economic anxiety. The principal focus of this study is to develop the Economic Anxiety Index and track it over time. Click here for more on Marketplace® and Edison Research Poll Anxiety Index. Below are 2019 Articles from Marketplace featuring […]


Edison Research Announces Delivery of the First Podcast Consumer Tracker Report

Quarterly study provides audience research and comparative performance metrics for leading podcast networks SOMERVILLE, N.J., November 20, 2019 (Newswire.com) – Edison Research has delivered to clients the first and only comprehensive measure of the comparative reach of America’s top podcast networks, the Podcast Consumer Tracker. Edison, the leading podcast research company in the world, has […]


The Spoken Word Audio Report from NPR and Edison Research

Spoken Word Audio Share in the U.S. is Up 20% Since 2014, Cutting Into Time Spent with Music Click here to download the New Spoken Word Audio Report from NPR and Edison Research The share of time spent listening to spoken word audio has increased 20% since 2014, while time spent with music across the […]


The Spoken Word Audio Report from NPR and Edison Research – Save the Date

Click here to register for The Spoken Word Audio Report 2019 webinar from NPR and Edison Research. On average, Americans age 13+ listen to about 4 hours of audio every day, with the largest share of time spent with AM/FM radio (Edison Research, Share of Ear®, 2019). While this may seem par for the course, […]


The Power Of Audio: How Moms Use Audio for Self-Care and Inspiration

Last week in front of a wonderfully supportive crowd at M2M: The Marketing to Mom’s Conference, VP Megan Lazovick shared new data from The Research Moms of Edison Research, in addition to the following confession: Last night before my presentation, while I probably should have been rehearsing, I was instead leading a brownie meeting of […]


SheListens: Insights on Women Podcast Listeners

Click here to download SheListens: Insights on Women Podcast Listeners Edison Research Senior Vice President Melissa Kiesche gave the following presentation on October 12 at She Podcasts LIVE in Atlanta. It’s 9am on Saturday morning. While I know that pie charts and bar graphs may not be everyone’s favorite (although, totally mine!), I love that […]


Florida Voters and Climate Change

By Evan Amereihn As the hurricane season comes to a close, it’s a natural time to take stock of how climate impacts voters and where voters stand on climate change.  Nationally, 57% of Americans say that climate change is a major threat, up from 40% in 2013, according to Pew Research Center.  The 2018 Exit […]


The Infinite Dial Germany 2019

Click here to download  The Infinite Dial Germany 2019  All of Germany is talking about the current audio boom, and through the The Infinite Dial® Germany, the newest release from the longest–running media usage study in the world, RTL Radio Deutschland now has research to confirm it. The latest research finds that all age groups […]


The Secret to Longer TSL

Edison Research Vice President Megan Lazovick presented the following at The Radio Show in Dallas on September 26, 2019 in conjunction with the Radio Advertising Bureau.  We are proud that the RAB asked us to look into what radio can do to increase time spent listening. And note I said “Radio”.  This is not just about your […]


The Infinite Dial South Africa 2019

The Infinite Dial®, the leading study on digital audio from Edison Research, debuted in South Africa last week as Edison Research President Larry Rosin presented the findings in Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban. The study was commissioned by South Africa’s National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Commercial Radio Committee and sponsored by Triton Digital, the global […]


Americans and Employer-Sponsored Health Care

by Matt Brownsword Healthcare was a prominent topic at the most recent Democratic presidential debates. The conversation pitted the progressive, Medicare-for-all solution proposed by Senators Kamala Harris, among others, against the moderate, “build on Obamacare” plan put forth by former Vice President Joe Biden. Senator Harris offered the idea that “it’s time that (the United […]


The Infinite Dial South Africa 2019 — Save the Date

  Join us as Larry Rosin, Founder & President of global firm Edison Research, presents the first annual Infinite Dial South Africa study on Wednesday, September 18, at 8:00am EDT/2:00pm SAST. This presentation will reveal the latest digital audio, social media, mobile, radio, and podcast habits of South Africans living within the major metro commercial […]
